Step into the world of Standardized Patients! (AKA an actor paid to portray various illnesses to help teach and train medical students.)

Join professional actor and standardized patient, Katie Culligan, and dive into the who, what, why, and huh of this quirky industry that no one's ever heard of.

Follow this “enter-cational” comedy journey every other Monday.

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Meet Your Host! 🎤🗯

The Standardized Patients Podcast is hosted by Katie Culligan, a real standardized patient of 14 years! ⁣

She has worked at 7 different Med schools and several other simulation programs. She is an ENFP, enneagram 7, JMU alumni, actor of the stage and screen, certified fitness trainer, group exercise instructor, wife, and brand new mother! ⁣

She is so excited to introduce the audio-world to the awesome and weird world of Standardized Patients